
Generative AI for Automotive

Use our Generative AI assistants for engineering tasks to augment your domain experts and speed up development time

Collaboration Partners

Reduce cost & expert efforts, speed up development time,
ensure quality and reduce compliance risks

Cost Savings

Reduce cost & expert efforts by letting AI handle routine tasks, freeing expensive domain experts


Accelerate time-to-market with AI generating detailed work products and reducing iterations


Ensure compliance using AI recommendations based on industry regulations and best practices

AI Assisted Requirements and Systems Engineering

Minimize routine & mundane tasks in requirements & systems engineering and let the domain experts focus on core problems.

Empowering Functional Safety with intelligent AI Assistant

Combine the power of generative AI with safety experts in safety analysis and safety case preparation.

Generative AI-driven automotive Cybersecurity management

Accelerate complex & routine cybersecurity management tasks with AI Assistant supporting security experts.

Ensure completeness and efficiency in verification & validation

Automate derivation of detailed functional test cases (including all edge cases) at different levels (vehicle, system & component) from the respective requirements using AI assistant . Use AI to analyze the measurement data and detect anomalies which is typically not visible to human eye.

Book a demo to try out our AI Assistants!

Seamless Integration

Use our AI assistants as a standalone webapp with standard import/export formats (e.g. ReqIF, CSV, etc.) or integrate them with your existing tool chain so that the data transfer happens in the background without any user intervention. Users could effortlessly leverage the intelligent assistants from their existing tools without having to manually copy the data back and forth.

Data Security & Privacy

We deploy your enterprise data and fine-tuned LLM on your IT infrastructure (cloud or on-prem) and data transfer with our AI assistants are encrypted with state-of-the-art security standards. Your data is neither stored on our servers nor used to train our base LLMs. Our solution is hosted in a secure cloud in your regional data centers to ensure compliance with regional data privacy regulations (e.g. GDPR).

Our Team

Hans Leo </br>Ross

Hans Leo

Muralikumar Balasubramaniam

Muralikumar Balasubramaniam



Karthik R </br>Sabapathy

Karthik R



We use a base LLM (Large Language Model) which is already fine-tuned with basic automotive E/E systems knowledge and
trained to perform the specific tasks in Requirements Engineering, Functional Safety, Cybersecurity and Verification &
Validation. The base LLM is then fine-tuned or integrated with your enterprise data to generate outputs based on your
enterprise knowledge.

Yes, of course. You own your data and the LLM fine-tuned with your data. Further, the data transfer within our solution
space are always encrypted with state-of-the-art security standards.

No. We neither store your data on our servers nor use your data to train our base LLMs.

No. Our Generative AI assistants complement the domain experts and developers. Although our AI assistants generate
highly appropriate outputs, still domain experts need to review them to ensure that they could applied to develop safety
critical automotive systems.

Book A Demo

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